
Integrating Playwright with TestRail

Playwright (opens in a new tab) is a one of the most popular browser automation tools similar to Selenium WebDriver (opens in a new tab). Railflow CLI consumes the Playwright JSON Reports (opens in a new tab) to provide a seamless integration with TestRail (opens in a new tab)

Railflow for Playwright provides the following capabilities

  • Test Mapping: Map Playwright tests to existing tests in TestRail
  • Auto Extraction: Automatically process Playwright JSON reports
  • Custom Fields: Support for TestRail custom fields.
  • Smart Failure Assignment: Auto assign test failures to TestRail user
  • TestRail Entities: Update / Create Test Plans, Runs, Milestone, Tests, Results
  • Test Steps: Ability to capture Playwright steps as TestRail Steps
  • Screenshot Attachment: Automatically take and attach screenshots
  • CI Application: Support for Jenkins, TeamCity, Gitlab, Github, etc.

Getting Started

To demonstrate this integration, we have created a sample project: Playwright Demo Project (opens in a new tab). This project contains some tests that pass and fail and produce screenshots.

Basic Flow

In this example, we will simply export all the playwright tests to TestRail. Railflow CLI will automatically create tests, milestones, runs, plans.

The sample project contains json report config in playwright.config.ts. Make sure to do so in your own Playwright project

const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
   reporter: [['json', { outputFile: 'playwright-report/test-results.json' }]],

Run tests and produce json report

git clone
npx playwright test

After test run ends, feed the playwright-report/test-results.json report to Railflow CLI

npx railflow -k ABCDE-12345-FGHIJ-67890 -url -u testrail-username -p testrail-password -pr "Railflow Demo" -path section1/section2 -f playwright -r ./playwright-report/test-results.json -sm path

CLI Reference

Railflow CLI will automatically create tests, runs, plans, milestones, etc. if they do not exist.

Environment Variables: To avoid exposing sensitive information like TestRail URL, License, username, and password in CLI arguments, users can set the following environment variables: RAILFLOW_LICENSE, RAILFLOW_TR_URL, RAILFLOW_TR_USER, RAILFLOW_TR_PASSWORD. Railflow CLI will always check these environment variables at run time.


Use double quotes for argument values with spaces. Example: --project "demo project"

-v, --versionNoOutputs Railflow version number-v
-k, --key-k or -l(online activation) License key. Can be set with RAILFLOW_LICENSE environment variable-k XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
-l, --license-file-k or -l(offline activation) File path or remote url license file-l /files/ActivationFile.skm
-url, --urlYesTestRail instance URL. Can be set with RAILFLOW_TR_URL environment variable-url (opens in a new tab)
-u, --usernameYesTestRail username. Can be set with RAILFLOW_TR_USER environment variable-u test-username
-p, --passwordYesTestRail password or API Key. Can be set with RAILFLOW_TR_PASSWORD environment variable-p XtpHXiPLEODyhF
-pr, --projectYesTestRail project name-pr "example project"
-path, --test-pathYesTestRail test cases path-path "Section1/subsection2/ShoppingCart
-f, --formatYesReport format: JUnit, JUnit-Steps, TestNg, TestNg-Steps, Cucumber, NUnit, NUnit-SpecFlow, Allure, Robot, TRX, xUnit, PyTest-Railflow, Playwright (case insensitive)-f junit
-r, --report-filesYesThe file path(s) to the test report file(s) generated during the build. User can pass multiple values separated with spaces. Ant-style patterns such as **/surefire-reports/*.xml can be used.
E.g. use target/surefire-reports/*.xml to capture all XML files in target/surefire-reports directory.
-r target/surefire-reports/*.xml target/failsafe-reports/*.xml
-sm, --search-modeYesSpecifies the test case lookup algorithm.
name: search for test case matching the name within the entire test suite. If test case found, update the test case. If test case not found, create a new test case within specified -path
path: search for test case matching the name within the specified -path. If test case found, update the test case. If test case not found, create a new test case within specified -path
-sm path
-px, --proxyNoHTTP or SOCKS proxy configuration
E.g. socks://username:[email protected]:1080
-px socks://username:[email protected]:1080
-t, --timeoutNoUpload timeout (seconds)-t 10
-tr, --test-runNoTestRail test run name-tr "Chrome Regression Run"
-tp, --test-planNoTestRail test plan Name-tp "Shopping Cart Test Plan"
-mp, --milestone-pathNoTestRail milestone path-mp Milestone1/Milestone2
-cf, --case-fieldsNoTestRail test case custom fields.
The format is [Field label]=[value] pairs, separated with space.
E.g. "Case Field 1=value 1" "Case Field 2=value 2" ...
-cf "Case Field 1=value 1" "Case Field 2=value 2"
-rf, --result-fieldsNoTestRail test result custom fields.
The format is [Field label]=[value] pairs, separated with space.
E.g. "Result Field 1=value 1" "Result Field 2=value 2" ...
-rf "Result Field 1=value 1" "Result Field 2=value 2"
-a, --assignNoSmart Test Failure Assignment. Comma-separated list of TestRail users (email addresses). Railflow will assign failures based on a round robin algorithm.-a [email protected],[email protected]
-af, --assign-fileNoSmart Test Failure Assignment. File path containing list of TestRail users (email addresses).
Note: One user per line
-af /assignees.txt
-cn, --config-namesNoTestRail test plan configuration options.
Configuration format is: [config_group_name]/[config_name].
E.g. "Operating Systems/Linux" "Browsers/Chrome" ...
-cn "Operating Systems/Linux" "Browsers/Chrome"
-cr, --close-runNoIf Railflow should close the corresponding run after uploading test results-cr
-cp, --close-planNoIf Railflow should close the corresponding plan after uploading test results-cp
-dg, --disable-groupingNoIf Railflow should ignore report structure and just upload all tests into a folder which is set by test-path parameter-dg
-tn, --template-nameNoThe name of a template to use in TestRail. If it is not set, 'Test Case (Steps)' or the default one will be used-tn "Test Case (Steps)"
-cst, --case-typeNoThe name of a type for cases-cst other
-csp, --case-priorityNoThe name of a priority for cases-csp medium
-th, --thread-numberNoThe number of concurrent threads for exporting data. Default is 4-th 8
-um, --upload-modeNoUpload mode. Available values are:
0 (default) - create new test cases and do not overwrite existing ones;
1 - create new cases and overwrite existing ones;
2 - do not create new cases and overwrite existing ones;
3 - do not create new cases and do not overwrite existing ones
-um 1
-csf, --case-search-fieldNoThe name of the case field in TestRail which will be using for searching for existing test cases instead of test case title-csf "Custom field"
-ds, --disable-statsNoIf Railflow should disable collecting usage and error logs-ds
-fqtn, --fully-qualified-test-nameNoIf checked, Railflow will use fully qualified test names from the report files for test names in TestRail-fqtn
-us, --untested-statusNoThe name of the status to use in TestRail for untested/skipped tests-us Skipped
-ams, --attachment-max-sizeNoMaximum size of an attachment. Can be set in Gb, Mb, Kb or b. If the unit is not provided considered as Mb.
E.g. 1Gb, 2, 20Kb, 3Mb
-ams 1Gb
-atw, --attachment-type-whitelistNoThe comma-separated list of file extensions which are allowed to upload. E.g. json, .html, .xml-atw "json, .html, .xml"
-atb, --attachment-type-blacklistNoThe comma-separated list of file extensions which are not allowed to upload. E.g. json, .html, .xml-atb "json, .html, .xml"
-nr, --no-runNoDo not create or update Test Run in TestRail-nr
-tfn, --tags-field-nameNoThe name of a test case field which will be holding tags from the report file if any. E.g. Cucumber Tags-tfn "Cucumber Tags"
-h, --helpNoShow the help information-h

Test Mapping

In many organizations tests are first developed in TestRail and then eventually automated and mapped back to TestRail. Railflow uses a convienient annoation to help user spcify the TestRail ID for any Playwright tests. This information is automatically added to JSON report and processed accordingly by the Railflow CLI.

import {expect, test} from '@playwright/test';
test.describe("Login tests", () => {
    test('some sample tests', async ({page}) => {
        //this means that this tests is mapped to two tests in TestRail
        //type contains the name of annotation - `` and `description` is TestRail Test ID
            {type: '', description: 'C1825'},
            {type: '', description: 'C1826'}
        //your test logic

Test Steps

Playwright provides the ability to add test steps (opens in a new tab) to your tests. These are reported in the json report and can therefore be processed by Railflow CLI and mapped to Steps in TestRail. This is incredibly useful and powerful.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('test', async ({ page }) => {
  await test.step('Log in', async () => {
    // ...
  await test.step('Outer step', async () => {
    // ...
    // You can nest steps inside each other.
    await test.step('Inner step', async () => {
      // ...

Test results with Steps in TestRail

Metadata / Custom Fields

Railflow CLI looks out for a variety of annotations in the JSON report. The following can be specifed using Playwright annotations. There are a few reasons why you may find this helpful

  • The Playwight title may not be super friend and you want to have a different test title in TestRail
  • Sometimes using Railflow CLI for all tests may not be suitable and you want more granular control
  • Specify TestRail Custom Fields
Annotation typeDescription
testrail.titleTest Case title. If provided, it overrides the default test name
testrail.case_typeDefines the case type for this test case in TestRail
testrail.case_priorityDefines the priority for this test case in TestRail
testrail.case_fieldDefines the value for a particular field of the corresponding test case in TestRail.
The format is [TR field label]=[value], e.g. Required field = Some value
If you need to provide values for several fields, use multiple testrail.case_field annotations - one per field
testrail.result_fieldDefines the value for a particular field of the corresponding test result in TestRail.
The format is [TR field label]=[value], e.g. Custom result field = Some value
If you need to provide values for several fields, use multiple testrail.result_field annotations - one per field
import {expect, test} from '@playwright/test';
test.describe("Login tests", () => {
    test('User logs into home cabinet using incorrect user name and password', async ({page}) => {{type: 'testrail.title', description: 'This title was modified by Railflow!'},
            {type: 'testrail.case_type', description: 'Railflow'},
            {type: 'testrail.case_priority', description: 'Critical'},
            {type: 'testrail.case_field', description: "Required Text Field = Hello from Playwright annotations"},
            {type: 'testrail.case_field', description: "Estimate = 10s"},
            {type: 'testrail.result_field', description: "Custom field = Results from Playwright"},
            {type: 'testrail.result_field', description: "Version = 1.0"});
            // test logic 

Test Results

Test results in TestRail

Test results in TestRail